The faculty group is also looking at ways to optimize the integration of neuro-psychoanalytic material into the overall training program. Some faculty members have already added relevant readings to their classes for candidates in the first three year program. Other ideas include institute seminars for faculty and candidates less familiar with the material, as well as bringing in well-regarded speakers with advanced knowledge in the field and posting links, articles and information about neuro-psychoanalytic conferences on the CPPNJ website.

One final note on this emerging field is how it provides more ways to describe the multiple benefits of psychoanalysis to people who have not had depth therapy. In ongoing psychotherapy, we help create greater understanding and empathy for the complexity of human experiences. The new field of neuro-psychoanalysis demonstrates the unique value of this process at the concrete level of brain structures and neurochemistry. Having more language, science, and a new conceptual framework to bring to the discussion can only help. It’s important to note that there is still a lot more work needed to fully integrate this information. The modern attempt to bring neurology and psychoanalysis together is far from complete. Yet, it is good to know that these exciting and compelling developments, which Freud anticipated over a century ago, will allow us to better advocate and promote the therapeutic work that we do.